Xolikova, N. D., & Tojiboyeva, G. A. Q. (2021). MAHMUDXO ‘JA BEHBUDIYNING “PADARKUSH” DRAMASIDA AYOLLAR OBRAZI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(11), 66-70.

Author: Xolikova, Nodira Djoxongirovna; Tojiboyeva, Gulshodaхоn Abdumannob qizi

Annotation: In this article, the role of women in the work is scientifically –philosophical,didactic analysis,attempts are made to shed light on the reasons for raising the image of women as a separate embodiment, a separate topic, as examples.

Keywords: Padarkush, melodrama, romantic, society, the embodiment of Liza, educated, englightened, criminal, murder, ignorance.
