Xolliyev, S. X., & Javharov, J. (2021). PROPAN-BUTAN FRAKSIYALARINI KATALITIK AROMATLASH REAKSIYASI KATALIZATORLARINING FIZIK-KIMYOVIY VA TEKSTUR XARAKTERISTIKALARI.Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences,1(9), 995-1008

Author: Xolliyev, Sh.X., Javharov, J.

Annotation: The article studies the result of the reaction of catalytic aromatization of the propane-butane fraction on a mesoporous catalyst containing (MoO3)∙(ZnO)y∙(ZrO2)z and the optimal conditions for this process, the concentration of acidity centers of both types when nanoparticles (1.0% Zr) are added to the mesoporous catalyst containing (MoO3)∙(ZnO)y∙(ZrO2)z.

Keywords: propane, butane, chromatographic analysis, volumetric velocity, high silicon zeolite, catalyst, texture characteristic, meso porosity, acidity center, adsorption-desorption isotherm
