Xudaynazarov, I. B. (2021). YAPON MANBASHUNOSLIGIDA TARIXIY-GEOGRAFIK ASARLAR (FUDOKI) NING O ‘RNI VA AHAMIYATI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 2), 304-311.

Author: Xudaynazarov, Isobek Boysoatovich

Annotation: This scientific article is devoted to history of the Fudokies which are ancient reports on provincial culture, geography, and oral tradition presented to the reigning monarchs of Japan in Medieval century. Fudoki consists of 5 books: Idzumo, Hitati, Harima, Bungo and Hidze. Fudoki refer to the oldest records written in the Nara period which collect and report the following information: names of districts and townships, natural resources and living things, etymology of names for geographic features, such as mountains, plains, and rivers, myths, legends, and folktales told orally by old people.

Keywords: Ancient Fudoki, Simple Fudoki, Ban Nobutomo, Syokoku Fudoki itsubunno, Hitati, Harima, Bungo, Hidzen Fudoki, venyan, Gemmyo decree, Aso Isodzi, Nisio Minoru, Takagi Itinosukue, Tokieda Motoki, Hisamatsu Seniti, Nib Ubaraki, Namekata, Karima, Naka, Kudzi, silk cloth, gods Iva and Amano, Emperor Okinawa Tarasihime and Otomo Sadehiko
