Xudoyqulova, Z. A. (2021). ME’YOR MUAMMOSINING ILMIY-PSIXOLOGIK TALQINI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(8), 213-217.

Author: Xudoyqulova, Z.A.

Annotation: This article discusses the concept of a norm, which is not widely covered in psychology, but is one of the foundations that determine the quality of human participation and performance in all spheres and activities, as well as ensuring its stability. The concept of a norm includes sources in various fields and directions, as well as to illuminate its essence, and, thus, the meaning of a norm is one of the aspects of psychology that needs to be covered more deeply and widely.

Keywords: the concept of a norm, the meaning of a norm, importance, formation, order, sufficiency, satisfaction
