Yo‘Ldoshev, D. F. O. G. L., Abdullayev, B. I., & Mo‘Minov, T. L. S. (2022). SHAHAR JAMOAT TRANSPORTI HARAKAT REJIMIGA OB-HAVO KO ‘RSATKICHLARINING TA’SIRI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 2(1), 107-116.

Author: Yo‘ldoshev, Davron Furqat O‘g‘li; Abdullayev, Botir Inatovich; Mo‘minov, To‘lqin Shoyqulovich

Annotation: The development of public transport schedules does not take into account the flow of passengers during the route, depending on weather conditions. Weather indicators are important in estimating the flow of passengers on public transport, as well as in forecasting the flow of passengers. The scientific approach to this issue requires determining the relationship between the flow of passengers during the movement of buses and weather indicators. The article examines the relationship between weather performance of directional buses and passenger flow.

Keywords: Passenger, public transport, weather indicators, temperature, route time, humidity, precipitation.
