
Author: Saminjonova, Zulayho Ibrohimjon qizi; Abduvositov, Xumoyun Faxriddin o‘g‘li

Annotation: The study of the concept of “socio-psychological loneliness” shows the importance of full disclosure of the content of the term “loneliness”. The term “Loneliness” has a different interpretation. The complexity of its definition lies in the fact that it does not have clearly defined criteria as a socio-psychological phenomenon and complicates mental factors as individually reflected experiences. The problem of loneliness is included in the object of study of such sciences representing the development of mankind as sociology, philosophy, psychology, cultural studies, pedagogy, medicine and religious studies. Each of them analyzes the phenomenon of loneliness, based on the research framework of their science, and tries to enrich it with new conceptual aspects. At the same time, it should be noted that the development of this problem from both the theoretical and practical sides is becoming relevant in the framework of social psychology, since the phenomenon of loneliness directly concerns interpersonal relationships between people. This article presents a theoretical analysis of loneliness in various views.

Keywords: loneliness, solitude, alienation, destructive behavior, dezadaptation, isolation, persecution, emotional state, desotsialization

Pages in journal: 368 - 375
