
Author: Butunov, Dilmurod Baxodirovich; Shukurov, Murodulla Sulaymon o‘g‘li; Pardayeva, Umida NorbayevnaBo‘riyev, Shuxrat Xamroqul o‘g‘li

Annotation: The aim is to introduce additional services and create integrated public transport by improving the ticketing process for passengers. The current ticket sales system, pre-shipment, during-shipment and post-shipment services were analyzed. According to the results of the analysis, the existing shortcomings of the system were studied and their level of inconvenience to the passenger was assessed. In order to create an integrated public transport, a new system for improving the ticket sales process, namely the application “Transport”, which can work in the NFC and QR-code system, and, accordingly, the card “Citizen Transport Card” and “Transport Terminal” for relevant transport workers a proposal to create and a mechanism for its implementation has been developed. The introduction of this system will allow to increase passenger traffic on public transport and fully meet the needs of the population in transportation.

Keywords: Ticket, passenger, railway, airline, highway, citizen's transport card, transport terminals.

Pages in journal: 677 - 684
