Yoqubov, A. A. O. G. L., & Mirmuxsin, M. U. O. G. L. (2022). KOMPLEMENTAR IRSIYLANISHGA DOIR MASALALARNI YECHISHDA x2 METODI ASOSIDA F2 DAGI AJRALISHNI STATISTIK USULDA TEKSHIRISH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

Author: Yoqubov, Abutolib Ahmadali O‘g‘li; Mirmuxsin, Mahmudov Uchqunbek O‘g‘li

Annotation: The article aims to determine the level of accuracy of the expected theoretical result in the process of processing or creating problems related to the inheritance of nonallel genes (complementary, polymer, epistasis) using a statistical method. Inheritance of non-allelic genes was analyzed statistically using complement, polymer, epistasis, gene inheritance in F2 and character separation using the x2 method.

Keywords: Polymer, epistasis, complementary, inhibitor, epistatic, hypostatic, cumulative, nocumulative, statistical method, x2 method, fisher table, phenotype, genotype, dominant, heterozygous, recessive.
