Йулдашев, X. Т., Эргашев, К. М., Алихонов, Э. Ж., Иброхимов, Ж. М., & Рустамов, У. С. (2021). ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ПРОЦЕССОВ ТОКОВОГО УСИЛЕНИЯ В СИСТЕМЕ ПОЛУПРОВОДНИК-ГАЗОРАЗРЯДНЫЙ ПРОМЕЖУТОК. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social scie

Author: Йулдашев, X.Т., Эргашев, К.М., Алихонов, Э.Ж., Иброхимов, Ж.М., Рустамов, У.С.

Annotation: The possibilities of amplification of gaz discharge plasma photocurrent in the image transformers on the register medium have been examined. It is achieved by switching on additional electrode in the discharge gap and by significant drop in tension on the photorecriver and intensification of photocurrent plasma of gaz discharge in image transformers.

Keywords: the converter of images, a semi-conductor electrode, a net electrode, lux amperes the characteristic, the photographic characteristic, the converting characteristic, the target characteristic, the images, the registering knot, strengthening process, stabilization, currents of strengthening, ionization the chamber.
