Yusupov, F. A. O. G. L., & Panjiyev, S. B. O. G. L. (2021). O ‘ZBEKISTON ENERGETIKASIDA MIKRO GESNING TUTGAN O ‘RNI VA ULARNING RIVOJLANISH BOSQICHLARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 611-620.

Author: Yusupov, Feruzbek Akbar o‘g‘li; Panjiyev, Sherzod Begimqul o‘g‘li; Pirmatov, Nurali Berdiyorovuch

Annotation: This article discusses the role of micro-hydropower in Uzbekistan, the advantages and disadvantages of micro-hydropower. Over time, we can see the development of large and small micro-hydropower plants. This can be clearly compared with the numbers of hydropower plants in 2016, the modernization and reconstruction of existing power plants under the concept of 2020-2030, the construction of new power plants using energy-efficient technologies for electricity generation. The hydro-turbines of the micro-hydropower plant are briefly related to the pressure and operating conditions. Our main goal is to use the energy of water (speed, potential, ie free movement) efficiently.

Keywords: small, medium, micro, HPP power, pressure, hydro turbine
