Yusupov, F. T. O. G. L., Rakhmonov, T. I., O’G’Li, T. D. X., & Sherqoziyevich, X. D. (2021). USE OF VERNIER DIGITAL LABORATORY IN LESSONS AND LESSON ACTIVITIES. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 86-94.

Author: Yusupov, Fahriddin Tajimamat o’g’li; Rakhmonov, Tohirbek Imomalievich; Tolaboyev Dilmuhammad Xayitali o’g’li; Xidirov Dadaxon Sherqo'ziyevich

Annotation: The new task of the school was to form a system among school students, a universal movement, as well as experimental, research, organizational independent work experience and personal responsibility of students, to make learning goals personally important, education powers that define new content. The purpose of the article is to explore the possibilities of using Vernier digital laboratory to develop school students research skills. The research activity involves several steps, ranging from defining the goals and objectives of the research, proposing a hypothesis, conducting the experiment, and presenting it.

Keywords: Vernier digital laboratory, assessment, optimal combination, digital laboratory mobility, special software, digital microscope
