
Author: Xujayev, Muminjon Isoxonovich

Annotation: In the article, how we study the life and work of Ahmad Zaki Walidi Togan, a scientist and philosopher who left a great legacy in the history, philosophy, culture, spirituality, oriental studies, Islamic studies, Jadidism and Turkic linguistics of Central Asia. The scientific heritage of the Ahmad Zaki Walidi Dam includes over 400 scientific studies. Professor Ahmad Zaki Walidi Togan in his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy «Travel» by Ibn Fadlan noted that the study of the spiritual, historical, religious and philosophical heritage of the Turkic peoples is studied on a certain conceptual and methodological basis. The article also mentions the activities of the scientist on archaeological research in Turkestan in the works of orientalists. In addition, the scientist's scientific travels about the spirituality of the peoples of the Middle East and Central Asia (1913-1914) and his research on the methodology and ethnography of the history of Turkestan are described in his works and scientific articles devoted to the study of his heritage in the field of oriental studies, historiography and Islamic studies. In his religious-philosophical analysis, Zaki Walidi of the culture of the Mohanjodaro Hindus, he cites a study of the similarity of the way of life found in the history of the Central Asian Turks, who actually belonged to the Turks and Mongols. The state structure of the Turks and Mongols, the province of the city of Turkestan, the ideas of shamans about the philosophical, material and spiritual world are a vivid evidence of this, although other cultures influenced their cosmogony. the reliance of tribal dancers on vigil in public affairs, the fact that the cities were quadrangular and that four branches leading to four gates stretched through the city. In his writings on the history of Turkestan, Zaki Validi is clearly viewed not only as a historian, but also as an orientalist. On the basis of his own scientific research, he tries to scientifically and practically prove the influence of the Turkic peoples on world civilization. Validi's scientific trip to Turkestan in 1913-1914 played an important role in his formation as an Islamic scholar, orientalist, source expert, historian and Turkologist. Based on the religious and philosophical views of Uzbekistan, especially on the rich spiritual and cultural heritage of the Turkic peoples, the minds of today's generation are focused on introducing and studying foreign works about our ancient national spirituality and culture.

Keywords: Turkestan, Turkic, research, spirituality, Central Asia, national, culture, history, region, people, travel, foreign, eastern.Annotatsiya
