Ziyavutdinova, X. S. (2021). O ‘ZBEK OILALARIDAGI AYOLLARGA NISBATAN ZO ‘RAVONLIKNING IJTIMOIY PSIXOLOGIK ASOSLARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 225-230.

Author: Ziyavutdinova, Xumora Shermamatovna

Annotation: This article discusses the problem of violence against women in Uzbek families. Violence against women is about what it is, what it looks like and what types it is. Changes in the psyche of women victims of domestic violence are highlighted. It also provides advice on the consequences of domestic violence and how to prevent it.

Keywords: domestic violence, violence against women, violence against children, violent personality, risk factors such as mental discrimination, economic violence, physical violence, psychological violence.
