Zokirova, D. N. M., Qurbonova, F. Q., & Nishonov, M. M. O. G. L. (2022). NAZARIY ELEKTROTEXNIKA FANI DARS MASHG ‘ULOTLARIDA INNOVATSION TARBIYA BERISHNING INTERFAOL USULLARIDAN FOYDALANISH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social

Author: Zokirova, Dilnoza Ne’matillaevna; Qurbonova, Fotima Qaxramonovna; Nishonov, Murodjon Muxammadjon O‘g‘li

Annotation: The article analyzes the creative approach of students to the topic, the ability to express their thoughts more strongly and in places with this ability to control each other through the use of interactive methods of innovative education of students in the classroom on the subject of theoretical electrical engineering.

Keywords: innovative activity, interactive methods, innovative technologies, teaching methods, professional innovative training, innovative education, professional skills, creative approach.
