Мавлянова, У. Х. (2021). СУЩНОСТЬ ПОНЯТИЯ «ЧИСЛИТЕЛЬНОЕ» В КАТЕГОРИИ ЧАСТЕЙ РЕЧИ В СОВРЕМЕННОМ КИТАЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 104-110.

Author: Мавлянова, У.Х.

Annotation: Number name is one of the complex parts of speech. This is due to the fact that it is not entirely clear which words are related to it, and which do not belong, and the words they are considered do not have enough clear formal-grammatical unity and limitedness from the words of other parts of speech. But in general, numerals have features characteristic only for them and distinguish them from others in something like that of them words.

Keywords: numeral, discharge, quantity, vocabulary, semantics.
