Сайфуллаев, Д. Б. (2021). УЗБЕКИСТАН-ШОС: ТЕНДЕНЦИИ РАЗВИТИЯ МНОГОСТОРОННЕЙ КУЛЬТУРНОЙ ДИПЛОМАТИИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 701-706.

Author: Сайфуллаев, Д.Б.

Annotation: Modern multilateral diplomacy is expressed in the activities of the relevant international institutions - instruments for the joint solution of international problems affecting the interests of several states or groups of their citizens. This article describes cultural cooperation between Uzbekistan and the SCO, multilateral diplomacy in this area and Uzbekistan's contribution to the development of this sector within the organization.

Keywords: SCO, cultural diplomacy, "Shanghai spirit", cultural heritage, Great Silk Road.
