Абдуллаев, Ж. А. Ў. (2021). ДУХ КАК ВЫСШАЯ РЕАЛЬНОСТЬ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(9), 717-727.

Author: Абдуллаев, Жасурбек Абдиваит ўғли

Annotation: The category of the soul is one of the central issues of modern Indian philosophy, and we see that this is emphasized in the teachings of the Indian idealist philosopher S. Radhakrishnan. In particular, in the article we will have the opportunity to consider different points of view on this topic in classical Indian and Western philosophy on the basis of a comparative analysis. In conclusion, we find a solution to the problem in a philosophical and religious interpretation.

Keywords: spirit, idealism, absolute, God, substance, being, immanence.
