Abduolimova, M. Q. J. Q. (2021). IKKITA BUZILISH CHIZIG’IGA EGA BO’LGAN GIPERBOLIK TIPDAGI TENGLAMALAR UCHUN CHEGARAVIY MASALA. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 392-399.

Author: Abduolimova, Malika Qudratxo’ja qizi

Annotation: This article explores one of the properties of integral operators that are widely used and important in setting and verifying correct problems for the telegraph equation. It is considered that the result obtained is also valid in the inverse integral operator, and that these results are also valid in general.

Keywords: core, Bessel function, integral operator, subgroup, telegraph equation, Riemann-Liuville, inverse operators, special derivative, differential equation, parameter.
