Аскаров, М. М. Ў. (2021). РАЗВИТИЕ ПОНЯТИЯ «ИДЕНТИЧНОСТИ» В АНТРОПОЛОГИЧЕСКОЙ СОЦИОЛОГИЧЕСКОЙ НАУКЕ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 2), 62-75.

Author: Аскаров, Мирзохид Махаммаджон ўғли

Annotation: Today, the question of the content of the concept of "identity" is one of the most discussed problems of modern disciplines, such as philosophy, sociology, psychology, political science, ethnology and anthropology. In our opinion, it is difficult to find the same concept as “identity” that could compete with it in terms of active discussion and use at the moment. Interest in this issue has increased in connection with the period of general globalization, which launched a reverse process of unification and protectionist ideas in many countries of the world. Awareness of the need for a timely study of this concept, its methodological foundations and their reflection in the daily life of the Uzbek people will help to understand and solve a number of key issues for the further development and strengthening of the modern national identity of Uzbeks. Consideration, comparison and assessment of foreign theories and concepts on this topic will become the basis for the further development of research in this direction in the ethnological and anthropological science of Uzbekistan. In this article, the author analyzes the concept of identity in the anthropological and social aspects, since it is the interpretation in these areas that is more relevant for this period.

Keywords: identity, anthropology, ethnology, sociology, Uzbek identity, identification, Uzbekistan, identity crisis
