Author: Abdurasulov, Xalil; Xolov, Komil Normamatovich; Qarshiyev, Bekzod Boyxonovich
Annotation: During the change of current strength, voltage, circuit resistance, self-induction coefficients (electromotive force) in electrical engineering - issues such as their detection and change of disconnection and connection extrapolation, determination of capacitor charges of any capacity methods of solving using first-order differential equations or a system of first-order differential equations are shown.
Keywords: Electrical engineering, circuit, voltage, capacitor capacity, time, charge, driving force, self-induction coefficient, current, Ohm's law, period, maximum value, opposite, general, differential equation, special solution, general solution , substitution, starting moments, breakdown and connection extracts, first-order, solving equations.
Pages in journal: 390 - 398