Kosimova, М. Y., Yusupova, N. X., & Kosimova, S. T. (2021). БЕРНУЛЛИ ТЕНГЛАМАСИГА КЕЛТИРИЛИБ ЕЧИЛАДИГАН ИККИНЧИ ТАРТИБЛИ ОДДИЙ ДИФФЕРЕНЦИАЛ ТЕНГЛАМА УЧУН УЧИНЧИ ЧЕГАРАВИЙ МАСАЛА. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences,

Author: Kosimova, М.Y.; Yusupova, N.X.; Kosimova, S.T.

Annotation: This article examines the uniqueness of the solution of the boundary problem for the second regular ordinary differential equation, which is solved in the Bernoulli equation. The uniqueness of the issue is proved by the principle of extremes.

Keywords: ordinary differential equation, unity of a solution, availability of a solution.
