
Author: Гайсина, Регина Шамилевна

Annotation: The relevance lies in the study of the phenomenon in clothing design - the unconventional use of traditional ethnic elements. Currently, in the modern world of fashion, the relevance of the ethno-direction is observed. Clothing designers are constantly searching for something new and extraordinary. The option of using traditional elements contributes well to this, provides a lot of information for the source of inspiration in creative activity, thereby allowing you to create clothing collections that are more expressive and imaginative. Along with the fact that designers use the shape, cut, and decorative design of an ethno-costume, which provides justification for its rationality and functionality, and the variability of appearance forms, recently we have seen the use of traditional elements in an unconventional way. Here we mean textile elements (ornaments and compositions: suzani, palaks, architectural ornaments (girikh, wall paintings), finished products, in particular headdresses (skull caps), tumors. Most designers using elements of this kind in their works do not think about their original sacred meaning, the significance of their location in the product, and, ultimately, the appropriateness of their use in clothing. It can be assumed that they use them only as decoration to achieve a certain ethnic aesthetics of the model. There is an opinion that this is not correct. the wrong approach is still impossible to answer unequivocally. The above reveals a certain phenomenon of the non-traditional use of traditional ethnic elements in clothing design, since the ethnic theme in clothing design today is more popular than ever and each of the designers, at a certain stage of their activity, turns to and draws inspiration from folk applied art. then the topic under consideration confirms its relevance.

Keywords: traditional elements, non-traditional use of ornaments, clothing design, and phenomenon in clothing design, ornaments, suzani.

Pages in journal: 306 - 317
