Pardayev, E. S., Karimova, Z. X., Choriyeva, Z. Y., & Xaitmuratova, G. P. (2021). VIRUSLI GEPATIT A VA O ‘RVI BIRGALIKDA KECHISHINING KLINIK, LABORATOR XUSUSIYATLARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 179-1

Author: Pardayev, Erkin Soatovich; Karimova, Zevara Xadjibayevna; Choriyeva, Zulfiya Yusupovna; Xaitmuratova, Gulbaxor Panjievna

Annotation: In this article, a comparative diagnosis was made of 40 patients with clinical and laboratory characteristics of hepatitis A and co-occurrence of Arvi (acute viral respiratory disease). Viral hepatitis comes into contact with Arvi in 18% of cases. In 27% of patients with hepatitis A, Arvi, subfebrile body weight was recorded, in 67% of cases with clinical signs and prolongation of the recovery period.

Keywords: Viral hepatitis A, asthenovegetative, hepatomegaly, subfebrile body temperature, hyperbilirubinemia, children.
