Rustamov, U. S., Alixonov, E. J., Erkaboyev, A. X., Isroilova, S. X., & Boymirzayev, A. R. (2021). FARG ‘ONA VILOYATI AHOLISINI ELEKTR ENERGIYASI TANQISLIGINI BARTARAF ETISHDA MIKRO-GESLARDAN FOYDALANISH. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, nat

Author: U.S. Rustamov, E.J.Alixonov, A.X. Erkaboyev, S.X. Isroilova, A.R.Boymirzayev

Annotation: The article proposes a micro hydroelectric power station that generates environmentally friendly electricity installed in the hydraulic structures of the Fergana region. The possibility of creating micro hydroelectric power stations for electricity and heat supply to consumers is shown. The results of a study of a low-pressure unit of micro-hydroelectric power stations are presented.

Keywords: micro hydroelectric power station, hydraulic structures, low-pressure unit, induction motor, hydraulic unit, automatic control system.
