Tursunpo’Latova, D. R. Q. (2021). KIYIMDAGI" NEW LOOK" USLUBI, KELIB CHIQISH TARIXI VA ZAMONAVIY MODA YO’NALISHIDA AKS ETISHI TAHLILI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 752-762.

Author: Tursunpo’latova, Dilfuza Rustam qizi

Annotation: The article tells about the life, work, and activities of Christian Dior, a great representative of the fashion world, and his huge contribution to the fashion world, about the "New Look" style he created, its history, features, advantages and role in the fashion world, and also analyzed the reflection of the style in the modern fashion direction.

Keywords: New look, fashion house, dream designer, Harper’s Bazaar, Couture.
