Валиева, В. Р. (2021). КТО СЕРДЦЕМ СПРАВЕДЛИВ, МЕНЯ ПОЙМЕТ».«МУХАММАД АМИНХОДЖА МУКИМИЙ–ГОЛОС УГНЕТЕННЫХ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 830-836.

Author: Валиева, Вазира Ренатовна

Annotation: ABSTRACT The essence of the development of society at all its stages depends on the level of maturity of people. Where spiritual maturity is high and educational and educational activities are rationally organized, this society thrives. The democratic legal society that we are building has three important aspects: economics, politics and spirituality. The stronger and stronger these aspects are, the stronger our future will be. But a bright future cannot be built without knowing the past. Because in each time period there are different people, and inside them there are different stages of a constantly evolving culture. After all, each person is a "product of his time", and without the time stamp that literature gives us, we would not be able to learn anything about life on Earth from those who came before us. The influence of literature on modernity is undeniable, it acts as a form of expression for each individual author. Many books reflect society and allow us to better understand the world in which we live, as well as answer many of the questions that arise. Authors such as Muhammad Aminhoja Mukimi are vivid examples of this, since his poems (such as "Surveyors", "Bill of exchange", "Feast", "Woe to our land", "Petition to the khan from the inhabitants of the village of Khafalak" and many other poems , satire and lyricism) were a reflection of his experience and views on Uzbekistan during the colonial period, as well as concepts such as “buy-laborer”.

Keywords: Muhammad Aminhoja Mukimi, democratic and legal society, economics, politics, spirituality “a product of his time”;
