Ziyayev, A. T., & Nishonova, G. A. G. (2021). MASHINA DETALLARINING ISHDAN CHIQISH SABABLARINI ANIQLASH VA USHBU DETALLARNING KIMYOVIY-TERMIK ISHLOV BERISH AHAMIYATI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(10), 136-1

Author: Ziyayev, Abdukarim Toshpulatovich; Nishonova, G’azaloy G’ulomjonovna

Annotation: At the JSC "Farg'onaazot" enterprise, shafts, axles, drums, axles and surfaces of their parts, working with chemicals with a high degree of oxidation and destruction, are subject to rapid erosion, quickly deteriorate under chemical influences and celebrate independence.

Keywords: shaft, axle, drum, defects, repair, chemical-thermal, compressor.
